Friday, November 10, 2006

I thougt id give another try at painting.. i am trying some new things out with painter and it is frustrating when you dont know your lools but slow and steady wins the race. this is what i came up with. it is interesting because it is not exactly what i had in my head.


Kyle Marshall said...

Good luck with the studio. Saskatoon is a good city!

Tyler said...

fantastic, i like the details on the rocks.

Anonymous said...

Not exactly what you had in mind?? As if you've got anything in your mind. Just kidding. Peace of God brother Mike, this is Brother John from Toronto and I missed you guys so much that I just had to come look at your blog spot. Please let Gustavo know that I was really impressed with his martial arts stance in the picture, he looks real menacing. Well got to go now, but please greet everyone with the Peace of God.

Xelu said...

GREAT LIGHT and color, awesome job